HDU and Critical Care Intensive medical support for critical patients.
High Dependency Unit (HDU) and Critical Care are specialized medical units providing advanced and vigilant care for critically ill patients. Equipped with life-saving technologies and a skilled healthcare team, these units offer continuous monitoring, respiratory support, and interventions tailored to each patient’s needs. HDU serves as an intermediate level of care between general wards and intensive care, ensuring timely attention to deteriorating patients. Critical Care, on the other hand, caters to the most severe cases, managing complex conditions with precision. Both units are pivotal in sustaining and restoring health for those facing acute medical challenges, embodying excellence in critical care medicine.
Some Common Procedures offered at Diyos Hospital
Patients admitted to the ICU typically transition from the emergency ward or following surgeries, especially when facing critical conditions. Life-threatening situations such as heart attacks, severe bleeding, infections, COVID-19, burns, kidney failure, and post-surgical recovery demand intensive care. DIYOS Hospital, ensures ambulance services for swift emergency responses.
Within the HDU Unit, various diagnostic, monitoring, and treatment equipment play a pivotal role. Portable Dialysis machine, feeding tubes, catheters, intravenous tubes, monitors, oxygen therapy, tracheostomy tubes, and ventilators contribute to comprehensive patient care.
Advanced diagnostic facilities like bedside ultrasound and portable chest radiography are integral for continuous monitoring and timely interventions, reducing morbidity and mortality. Hemodynamic monitoring, blood gas analysis, coagulation checks, lumbar punctures, and bronchoscopies further enhance diagnostic capabilities.
In terms of treatments and procedures, the HDU Unit administers tracheostomies, central line insertions, arterial line insertions, temporary pacemakers, chest tube thoracostomies, ventilator management, pericardiocenteses, renal replacement therapy, and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placements.
These interventions, conducted by a team of skilled professionals, underscore the hospital’s commitment to providing superior critical care services, ensuring the well-being of patients facing severe medical challenges.